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Executive Committee & other positions

from 5th September 2024

In order for Panda Players to be successful, there are a number of people who volunteer their own time to meet and discuss the charity's issues and manage its business.

Executive Committee

Administration Manager
Membership Secretary
Publicity Manager
Productions Manager
Events Team Leader
Concert Group Secretary​​

David J Martin
Trish Lewis
Christine Ibbott
Nicky Mundy with James Moorcroft
Tracey Dell
Marion Raeburn-James
David Mundy
Nikky Meeson
Amber Dye
Julia Holroyd

Other Positions

Concert Group Leader

Naomi Luggar

Panda Players' President Emerita

Dear Panda Members and Friends


We are very sad to announce that our

good friend, founder member and

former President, Helen Turner, passed

away in her sleep early on Sunday 24th September 2023.


Helen was a stalwart of Panda Players from its inception and was active in many different committee positions during her over 30 years of involvement.  She also took part onstage in the majority of Panda's productions.  Most recently she was our wardrobe mistress and, until a few years ago, the long serving President of our society.


Our thoughts and prayers are with her husband Michael, also a dedicated supporter of Panda Players and all Helen's family.

Helen Turner Image

Panda Players

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